Spring is here

The end of the dark and cold days are upon us and days with warmer sun and chirping birds are getting to be more. Spring is here!

For some, the flowers are starting to bloom (for us, we see the California poppies line our streets and they’re just beautiful!), and the time for gardening and planting is here. New beginnings.

We’ve made a few plant adjustments ourselves, separating some of our plants into different planters as they grew more last year. We’re using our minimal-care self-watering planters all over the place now, as we have tested them for a month and are happy with how well they keep the soil moist with pretty much very little effort.

If you’re also excited for spring like us, you might also have prepped some seedlings, small plants, cuttings, and you might also be ready to propagate. Check out our self-watering mason jar planters. Not only these models are print-tested, their functionality also has been tested for small plants. We’re going to add a few more in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!